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Sculpting tools in cloth

Sculpture courses

Join a Sculpture course and sculpt your own masterpiece. Learn sculpture techniques such as modelling, carving, construction, casting and assemblage from our specialist tutors in Kent. Experiment with a variety of materials including clays, wood, plaster and non-traditional materials such as wire, fabric and plastics. Students will be encouraged to explore and experiment with their chosen material, developing basic forming techniques and exploring texture and colour. Develop and showcase your new skills to sculpt a figure using inspiration from other artists and sculptors, as well as opportunities to work from a life model. Discover our popular Sculpture courses and book your place today.

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Sculpture in Clay

GRA/144894/P/NC Location: Gravesend Adult Education Centre, Gravesend Course hours: 20 hours
Price: £260.00

Sculpture in Clay

DEA/145625/P/NC Location: Deal Adult Education Centre, Deal Course hours: 25 hours
Price: £325.00

Only 4 places remaining