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Gardening courses

Our Gardening courses will help you build the skills you need to achieve your vision for the perfect outdoor space. Whether you would like to find out about botanical names and what they tell you about the plant, how to keep your plants healthy or how gardening can support your wellbeing, we have a wide range of Gardening courses available. Make your garden look the best It can be with skills learnt on our courses, taught in centre or online and in real time, by expert tutors based in Kent.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4

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Gardening - Garden Design

ASH/145392/P/NC Location: Ashford Gateway (KAE), Ashford Course hours: 6 hours

Gardening - Garden Design

MAI/149092/P/NC Location: Oakwood House, Maidstone Course hours: 15 hours
Price: £142.00

Gardening - Garden Skills

MAI/149093/P/NC Location: Oakwood House, Maidstone Course hours: 15 hours
Price: £142.00

Gardening - Gardening with the Seasons

ASH/145393/P/NC Location: Homewood School, Tenterden Course hours: 26 hours
Price: £195.00

Only 4 places remaining