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Brushes and paint palettes

Drawing and Painting - Online Live

Delivered online
Start date:
End date:
10:00 - 12:00
8 sessions
Course hours:
Course hours

Course hours are the total number of hours you'll spend being taught by your tutor. Self study time is not included within the course hours.

16 hours
Day of week:
Helen Easter
Price: £164.00 Only 3 places remaining

This course has started, but it may still be possible to join it. Please call 03000 41 22 22 and ask to be put through to the Centre where the course is running

Group of people standing together smiling

Who can join this course

This KAE Studio course is designed for those attending purely for leisure purposes.

It is also aimed at those who have reached their permissible limit on our Tailored Learning progression Creative provision and do not want to move on to the range of Vocational or Accredited courses offered.

Group of people standing in a circle, looking down at the camera smiling

Is this course for me

This is an online course delivered using Zoom, in real time with live interaction with your tutor and fellow learners.

Traditional and experimental painting techniques will be explored, including the combination of mixed media, e.g. pen and ink, charcoal. By working from both direct observation and from photographic references and sketches, you will encounter a variety of interesting and stimulating subject matter - landscape, still life, natural forms, etc. Reference will also be made to the work of other artists as appropriate.
The Tutor will discuss the course outcomes with you but as a guide by the end of the course you should be able to:

- work from a variety of primary and secondary subject matter.
- make a preliminary drawing to establish a composition.
- select and use the appropriate brushes and materials.
- explore colour mixing
- use a range of painting techniques for watercolour and acrylic (washes, glazes, drybrush, wet in wet)
- work to health and safety guidelines

Our Creative Intent
Creativity is an essential aspect of human expression and plays a crucial role in fostering well-being and a sense of purpose.
The ambition of the Kent Adult Education Creative curriculum is to engage the community through an energetic and diverse programme offer planned to meet the varied needs and interests of Kent’s communities, thereby ensuring high quality learning is delivered across the county in dedicated adult education centres, online and in neighbourhood settings.
Creative courses aim to build confidence through learning, allowing students to express themselves, think critically, and collaborate with their peers. By empowering our students to become confident, imaginative, and adaptable learners, we aim to develop students' curiosity, resilience, and adaptability, preparing them for future challenges, opportunities, and personal development.

Course aims

By the end of the course you should be able to:

* There will be aims for the whole course and individual lessons, shared with you by your tutor

What will I need for my course

If you are a new student and have no materials please wait for your Tutor's advice on what to buy. However, all students should have an A4 sketchbook of good quality cartridge paper, preferably with a hard cover and ring bound, and a variety of pencils. You will need to provide your own materials and these will vary in cost according to the course requirements. If you have any materials/equipment that might be appropriate please have them with you.

What can I do next

Your tutor will advise you on follow-on courses relevant to their subject.
You can also attend Vocational or Accredited courses in a range of the Creative subjects on offer.

Non teaching dates

This course is scheduled to not be running on the following dates:

  • Monday, 10 February 2025
  • Monday, 17 February 2025

Additional Information

To get the most out of your course we recommend you attend at least 85% of your sessions. If you do have a pre-arranged commitments booked during term time, please let the tutor know in advance so that we can help you catch up on missed sessions and ensure that you still achieve the course outcome.

For Health & Safety, please do not wear open toed shoes.

It is important to note that art and craft courses are practical and require a degree of manual dexterity. Also, please make your tutor aware of any pre-existing health conditions that may impact on your learning.
If you need to bring a carer with you, or another adult please speak to the Curriculum Leader for the course.

Woman typing on laptop

Joining your course

Delivered online

Click here for more details.

If you require any information about joining this online course then please call 03000 41 22 22 and quote the Course Code ONL/146188/P/NC.