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Concessions Guide

Our 2024/25 concessions are here to help you cover the cost of your course. Find out more details below about each of our concessions and how they could benefit you. If you'd like to talk to a member of our team about our concessions, you can call us on 03000 41 22 22*.

Concessions are available for all courses excluding those ending NC. Read our terms and conditions.

Putting a pound in a purse

100% Concession

We offer a 100% concession to people:

  • Who are in receipt of Unemployment benefits - Job Seekers Allowance or Employment Support Allowance
  • Who are employed and earn less than £25,000 (or £25,642.50 in the Greater London Authority Area).
  • Who are in receipt of universal credit and their 'take home pay' amount shown on their monthly universal credit statement is less than £892 a month (sole claimant) or £1,437 per month (as a joint claimant)
  • In receipt of other state benefit (from the list below), and their 'take home pay' amount shown on their monthly benefit statement is less than £892 per month as a sole claimant, or £1,437 per month as a joint claimant
    • Attendance Allowance
    • Bereavement Allowance
    • Bereavement Support Payments
    • Carer's Allowance
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Guardians Allowance
    • Housing benefit
    • Incapacity benefit
    • Income support
    • Industrial Injuries benefit
    • Pension credit
    • Personal Independence Payments
    • Severe Disablement benefit
    • War Widow's/Widower's pension
    • Working Tax credit
  • You are aged 19-23, do not already hold qualifications equivalent to a full level 3 or above, and the course code ends in AF (course is a ‘Free Courses for Jobs’ qualification)
Girl counting coins in jar

50% Concession

We offer a 50% concession to people:

  • Who are enrolled on Positive Steps 50% financial pathway
  • Who are unwaged dependents of those in receipt of the following benefits:
    • Attendance Allowance
    • Bereavement Allowance
    • Bereavement Support Payments
    • Carer's Allowance
    • Child Tax Credit
    • Guardians Allowance
    • Housing benefit
    • Incapacity benefit
    • Income support
    • Pension credit
    • Industrial Injuries benefit
    • Personal Independence Payments
    • Severe Disablement benefit
    • Universal Credit
    • War Widow's/Widower's pension
    • Working Tax credit
Lady writing in notebook at laptop

20% Concession

We offer a 20% concession to people:

Person typing bank card details on laptop

10% Concession

We offer a 10% concession to people:

  • Who are an employee or are retired from the emergency services. The emergency services include the Police service, the Fire service, National Health Service and the Armed Forces
  • Who are an employee of Kent County Council
  • Who are enrolled on Positive Steps 10% financial pathway
Students using sign language to communicate

Specialist Concession

For British Sign Language courses of any length, D/deaf and hard of hearing learners can receive a 100% concession.

For British Sign Language courses of 20 hours or more, Family members of a D/deaf or hard of hearing person can receive a 50% concession.

Person walking outside

Positive Steps

Positive Steps is a dedicated social prescribing package. The scheme has been specifically designed to address some of the barriers to learning that people may face, therefore helping to make the first step into learning more achievable. The scheme includes a distinct set of pathways, onto which we will accept referrals via a link worker, community connector or any health professional.

Find out more about Positive Steps

For all 100% concessions, you will be asked to complete and sign a self-declaration form to confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria. For all other concessions, please ensure that you hold documentary evidence to support your entitlement to the concession. CLS reserves the right to contact you to request to view this evidence.

Concessions cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts. Read our terms and conditions here.