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Botanical Natural History - Drawing and Painting

FOL/145654/P/NC Location: The Cube (KAE), Folkestone
Price: £488.00
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Meet our learners - Wendy Smith

KAE at The Amelia

Coming soon We will begin delivering courses in Tunbridge Wells at the new Amelia Scott building from spring 2022.

Meet our tutors - Naomi Dickins

Naomi is one of our wonderful History tutors. History has always fascinated her, and she is constantly finding new areas of the subject to explore. After studying at university, she worked as a private tutor, archivist, and researcher before joining…

Flower Painting courses

Our range of Flower Painting courses provide the opportunity to explore a variety of different techniques and mediums used to paint flowers and create beautiful pieces of botanical art. You will be invited to discover both traditional and contemporary artists…

Flower Painting courses

Combine your passion for art and flowers with specially designed courses dedicated to all things botanical. Learn the techniques of painting flowers in watercolour to how best to draw flowers in pencil. Enjoy learning with fellow enthusiasts with courses available…

Flower Painting - Improvers

CAN/145763/P/PF Location: Canterbury Adult Education Centre, Canterbury
Price: £82.00 Concessions
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Flower Painting - Improvers

CAN/145760/P/PF Location: Canterbury Adult Education Centre, Canterbury
Price: £82.00 Concessions
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